Milk Kefir Grains

Milk Kefir Grains

Need probiotics? Milk Kefir is a probiotic culture food that has been used since ancient times due to its healing properties. Get nourished, grow your immune system and stay healthy with Milk Kefir

Php350.00 per tablespoon

Kefir advantages:
1. Rich source of Calcium, Magnesium and B vitamins
2. More powerful than Yogurt
3. Powerful anti-bacterial properties
4. Increase Bone Health and Prevent Osteoporosis
5. Protective Against Cancer
6. Helps with Various Digestion Problems
7. Generally Tolerated by Lactose Intolerant
8. Improve Symptoms of Allergy and Asthma
9. Easy to Make at Home - Just fill the kefir grains in a milk filled bowl and wait.
