1) Checking of the Domain Name Search Engine Compatibility
2) Checking the Live Website Browser and Mobile Compatibility
3) Checking all Keywords Used including:
• Meta-Tile-Tag of each web pages
• Meta Description of each web pages
• Pages Content Keywords ( Keywords used on each products and services )
• Product or services Review / testimonials / feedback
• Ease of website browsing and completeness of content
• Complete Contact details and customer support
• Availability of the products or services
4) If you don’t have online office yet (Website) we may create one for your company and the process is listed below:
A) Establishing the Entire Website Look
• Sit Down meeting regarding the ideas of all people involve in developing the website overall look and feel, always remember that your website is your online office, always bear in mind whatever the look of that online office represents the whole company
• Brainstorm all those ideas and decide on what is best among all the ideas basing current business team and look
• Kind of website actions, static , interactive or dynamic
• Setting the budget for the ideas and see if the overall wants and needs of each involve approving personnel will match on the allotted available budget for your website project
• Decide on the start of the project and its deadline. Make sure the required deadline is reasonable enough for the developers to meet
• Make sure all the approving personnel will be always available and in constant communication with the website developer for whatever questions will arise during the development stage
• Suggest and check Domain name availability for registration ( this will serve as your online business name )
B) Collection of Website Materials
• Assign a personnel who will submit the materials needed for the website development
• Make sure website materials will be submitted accordingly
• Gather subsequent needed materials on according to format, resolution and appearance required by the developer
• Make sure
• Make sure all the approving personnel will be always available and in constant communication with the website developer for whatever questions will arise during the development stage

C) Designing the Website
• Register the available Domain name for your website
• Host the Domain name after registration to make it live
• Set a definite time every day for the assigned personnel on approval of live ( means hosted )website draft design
• Start the development of the website
• Every stages of the development the developer will upload the design done for a day to its hosted site
D) Aproval of Website Design
• Developer will send the link of the hosted site for the daily approval and suggestion of the assigned personnel on the feel and look of the website
• Email all suggestion and queries on the development stage at
• Provide the additional materials needed to fulfil some other request required design for the development at
• Be patient on the development stage as this needs time and a lot of designing to be able to meet the required design
• Constantly check the website link provided to see the movement of the development daily
• Once the website is completed, Developer will send Website Launching notice
E) Updating the Website Design and Content
• Continuous updates of the website content
• Updates will be sent to your email
