hydrogen water maker the miracle water

  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water
  • hydrogen water maker the miracle water

Health Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water is huge in Japan. Lately, the number of companies that sell hydrogen water servers online or through dealers to offices and homes throughout the country has jumped dramatically. A Google search for hydrogen water (suisosui in Japanese) reveals hundreds of thousands of website references to hydrogen water and its purported health benefits.

So, what is hydrogen water, and is it worth all of this attention? And, should the rest of the world be paying closer attention to hydrogen-rich water for health?

What is Hydrogen Water?
Hydrogen-rich water (or hydrogen water as it is called in Japan) is colorless, odorless, tasteless water with a high concentration of hydrogen. Generally, hydrogen-rich water is made through electrolysis. Electrolysis can result in two types of water, one with higher concentrations of oxygen (acidic electrolyzed water) and one with higher concentrations of hydrogen (alkaline electrolyzed water).

Is Hydrogen-Rich Water Really Good for Your Health?
The general link between hydrogen-rich water and health is the claim that hydrogen is a reducing agent. In other words hydrogen fights oxidation (anti-oxidant), which is a source of aging and has been attributed to degenerative diseases in the human body.

While more verified experimentation is definitely needed, there is an existing body of published science that indicates hydrogen-rich water can be good for your health in a number of ways. Of course, everyone should consult their physician before making any significant lifestyle or diet changes.

Better Sports Performance by Limiting Lactic Acid
When you work out intensely, your muscles contract, causing oxidative stress. This can lead to signs of overtraining, which include muscle microinjuries, fatigue, and inflammation.

Hydrogen is believed to be an antioxidant. Researchers in 2012 performed a double-blined test on 10 soccer players, giving them hydrogen-rich water. The patients given hydrogen water isntead of the placebo demonstrated lower levels of lactate in their blood.


Reduced Diabetes Symptoms
In 2008, a team of Japanese researchers tested 30 subjects who had either type 2 diabetes mellitus or impaired glucose tolerance. After eight weeks, subjects who drank 900mL of hydrogen-rich water daily showed significan improvements in cholesteroal and other diabetes-related symptoms. The results of this research led the scientists to believe that hydrogen-rich water could help prevent type 2 diabetes.


Anti-Aging Effects
We generate molecules that do damage in our bodies every day, whether through intense exercise, smoking, ultraviolet exposure, pollution, aging, or any other types of stress. These “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) form in the process of breathing, something we have to do every minute of every day.

Certain scientific studies have suggested that the consumption of molecular hydrogen (which can be put into the body by drinking hydrogen-rich water) can help with a number of issues related to ROS, including obesity, diabetes, cognitive function, and even intestinal health.


Better Dental Health
Tests on rats showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water could improve age-related tooth degeneration (oxidation).


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