BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training

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  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training
  • BOSH training COSH Training AMO STE PCAB DOLE Accredited Training

If interested to complete your BOSH Training or Safety Officer 1 Training or COSH Training, click the link or scan the Qr code to register today.

Online BOSH Training for Safety Officer 2

40 hours Basic Occupational Safety and Health Training for SO2
Registration Fees vary relative to schedule. Weekdays or Weekends
Weekdays, 9,900 per head. Weekends, 11,900 per head

For details and fee on 10 hours BOSH Training for Safety Officer 1 SO1, clickhere




BOSH is for safety officers in the general industries or all non-construction industries such as manufacturing, services, retail, call centers, recruitment, placement, Bpo business process outsourcing, food, hospitality, etc. 40 hous BOSH is for SO2 or Safety Officer 2. 10 hours BOSH is for Safety Officer 1. BOSH is a mandatory basic 40 hour OSH trainings required for safety officers pursuant to Rule 1030 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHs), Ra11058 Do198-18. BOSH is mandatory for all industries (except construction and maritime) for safety officers or others whose work involves OSH. BOSH tackles basic concepts, principles, practices, and local laws on OSH. It assists participants in the recognition of hazards and their effects and the application of the hierarchy of controls available. BOSH is a basic safety training for safety officer 2, SO2. 



Online COSH Training for Safety Officer 2

40 hours Construction Occupational Safety and Health for SO2
Registration Fees for Online Training vary relative to schedule

Weekdays Training, 9,900 per head. Weekends Training, 11,900 per head
We issue BIR Registered Service Invoice Official Receipt.


COSH is for safety officers in the construction industries such as general contractors, subcontractors, and those businesses with working at heights activities. This training is for SO2 or Safety Officer 2 in the construction companies. COSH is a mandatory basic 40 hour OSH training for those in the construction industry as required for safety officers pursuant to Rule 1030 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHs), Ra11058 Do198-18. COSH is mandatory. COSH is also required by PCAB for AMO and STE, engineers and architects of contractors, construction firms in the Philippines. It discusses basic concepts, principles, practices, and local laws that are must-know in the industry. It assists participants in the recognition of hazards and its effects and the application of the hierarchy of controls available. 


Online Training Registration Fee includes Certificate of Completion with Qr Code sent for free via Lbc to your Philippine address. Free copy of training materials. Facilitated by DOLE Accredited OSH Practitioners and OSH Consultants.


BOSH Modules. Importance of OSH. OSH Legislation Administration. Ra 11058 and its Irr DOLE Do 198-18. OSH Standards. DOLE Safety Officer Reportorial Requirements, Warma Reports. Accident Causation. Accident Prevention. Accident Investigation. Industrial Hygiene. Occupational Health. Environmental Control Measures. Roles of Safety Officer. Machine Safety. Electrical Safety with Loto, Lock Out Tag Out. Fire Safety. Emergency Preparedness. Materials Handling and Storage. 5S Good Housekeeping. Ppe Personal Protective Equipment. Job Hazard Jha with workshop. Safety Inspection. OSH Programming. Personal and Group Communication. OSH System in the Philippines. Employees Compensation Program


COSH Modules. Importance of OSH. Ra11058 Do198-18 OSH Standards. Accident Causation, Prevention, Investigation. Industrial Hygiene. DOLE Safety Officer Reportorial Requirements. Occupational Health. 5S Good Housekeeping. Materials Handling and Storage. Demolition Safety. Construction Site Premises. Construction Machinery. Crane Safety. Elevator Safety. Tools and Equipment Safety. Job Hazard Jha with workshop. Ppe Personal Protective Equipment. Temporary Structures. Tempfacil such as scaffolds. Scaffold Safety and Working at Heights. Fall Protection. Ladder Safety. Excavation Safety. Confined Space. Safety Site Inspection. OSH Programming. Toolbox Meeting. Employees Compensation Program 


Contact Us. God bless you.

Edward Aquino, Training Administrator

Globe 0956 687 2110  Landline 8939 2728

Globe Viber 0917 312 6720

Smart 0918 946 4623


Address. Unit 200, Saint Anthony Bldg., 891 Aurora Blvd. corner Cambridge Street, Cubao, QC Map 

